If you're here, it's because you, like me, believe in the power of starting over and creating something new in your life. I’ve always believed that one decision can make a massive change, and that change can lead to a life filled with more meaning, passion, and purpose. I created this platform to inspire others to stop holding themselves back and start going after what they truly love. Whether you're at the beginning of your journey or somewhere along the way, it’s never too late to begin again. We all have the power to change our lives, and I’m here to shine a light on that possibility for you. Through my podcast, The Mapuana Reed Show, I share what I like to call the J-O-B—Journey on Becoming.

It’s not just about work or career, but the entire process of evolving into who we’re meant to be. My goal is for each of you, my listeners and readers, to see what’s possible for you too. I believe that through hearing real stories of transformation, you’ll discover the power of starting anew and realize just how limitless your potential is. In today’s blog post, I want to take you on *my* journey on becoming. This is a bit of a solo reflection, and if you’ve heard my recent podcast episode, you know that I’ve been reflecting a lot on my transition from photographer to podcaster. It’s a big shift, and I want to share with you how this transition has been a major step in my own J-O-B.

Embracing Change: From Photographer to Podcaster

Let’s rewind a little bit. Photography has always been a passion of mine. I spent years behind the camera, capturing moments and stories through the lens. Photography allowed me to connect with people and tell their stories visually. But over time, I began to feel a pull—a desire to do more than just capture stories. I wanted to share them differently. I wanted to use my voice. The idea of transitioning into podcasting had been on my mind for a while, but like many of us, I hesitated. I asked myself the same questions you might ask yourself when you’re thinking about making a big change: Can I do this? Will people listen? Am I even qualified? But here’s the thing: we’ll never know what’s possible unless we try. And I knew in my heart that this was something I had to pursue. I needed to expand the way I shared stories, and podcasting seemed like the perfect platform. So, I decided to start again. The transition wasn’t easy. I had to learn an entirely new skill set—recording, editing, promoting a podcast—and it was definitely out of my comfort zone. But stepping out of that comfort zone is where the magic happens. When we’re willing to embrace the unknown and permit ourselves to grow, we open up doors we didn’t even know were there.

The Journey on Becoming: What It Really Means

Now, when I talk about the J-O-B—Journey on Becoming—I want you to understand that it’s not just about the destination. It’s about every step you take along the way. Every challenge, every setback, every victory. It’s about evolving, even when it’s uncomfortable, and trusting that every part of the journey is shaping you into the person you’re meant to be. For me, transitioning from photographer to podcaster has been a huge part of my own J-O-B. It’s forced me to confront my fears, to be vulnerable, and to trust that my voice and my stories matter. And you know what? That’s a lesson I hope resonates with you as well. Your voice matters. Your stories matter. And no matter where you are in life, you have the power to reinvent yourself and start something new. The beauty of the J-O-B is that it’s ongoing. I’m still learning, still growing, still becoming. And I want you to know that it’s okay if you’re not where you thought you’d be. Life is full of twists and turns, and sometimes those unexpected detours are exactly what we need to find our true calling.

Why I’m Passionate About Helping You on Your Journey

I started this podcast—and this blog—because I believe that everyone can transform their lives. I believe that we are all capable of more than we think. I’ve experienced it in my own life, and I’ve seen it in the lives of the incredible people I’ve interviewed on my show. But transformation doesn’t happen overnight. It happens through small steps, one decision at a time. It happens when we’re willing to let go of the fear of failure and instead focus on what’s possible. I’m here to help you see that possibility. Through The Mapuana Reed Show, I want to share stories that inspire you to take bold steps in your own life. Whether it’s starting a new career, pursuing a passion, or simply choosing to live more authentically, my hope is that you’ll find the courage to go after what you love.

The Power of Starting Again

If there’s one thing I want you to take away from my story, it’s this: starting again is powerful. It’s not a sign of failure; it’s a sign of growth. We’re allowed to change our minds, change our careers, and change our lives. The only thing that can hold us back is the belief that we can’t. So if you’re standing at a crossroads right now, wondering if you should take that leap—let me tell you, you can. You’re capable of more than you realize, and the world is waiting for what only you can offer. Together, let’s embrace the journey on becoming. Let’s take those bold steps, follow our passions, and trust that every new beginning is leading us toward something greater. I’m so grateful to have you here with me on this journey, and I can’t wait to see where your J-O-B takes you.

With love,

Mapuana Reed, podcaster


Ep 7: Teen Mom to Multi-Millionaire: Shan Otare's Inspiring Journey


Ep 5: The Power of Your Intuition and Na'au with Kahu Lahela Johnson